Business Analysis

Nov 19, 2021

iBuy, iRent, iLose My Investors Money

The Murky Future of American Housing

Nov 19, 2021

How Oatly Wins: Stories that Create Binding Commitments

The difference between branding and storytelling, and why it matters now more than ever

Nov 24, 2021

How Do You Compete with Free?

Notion: The Embattled Artist

Apr 24, 2020

Inside the Clubhouse

The surprisingly compelling audio app that has consumed my life

Sep 18, 2020

Roam’s road ahead

How the tool for networked thought can grow into its $200m valuation

Aug 24, 2020

Instagram can’t recreate TikTok’s Magic

The content format is a red herring. What really matters is the structure and purpose of TikTok’s network, which is antithetical to Instagram.

Jul 15, 2020

How Costco Convinces Brands to Cannibalize Themselves

An unlikely marriage where both sides win

Sep 26, 2020

Substack Rhymes With Medium

Substack can't decide if it's a CMS or a media brand. Neither could Medium. Their indecision will likely lead to similar outcomes.

Jul 1, 2020

Why MasterClass Isn’t Really About Mastery

And other lessons from a 9-figure edtech startup

Jun 3, 2021

Product-Led Growth’s Failure

How a Scrappy Utah Software Company Ignored Every Silicon Valley Heuristic and Won Anyway

Jun 26, 2020

Will HEY Work?

The dust has settled. Now what?

Apr 15, 2021

COGS: How I Bankrupted MoviePass

An Intuitive Explainer for How To Lose Money and Win Anyway

Aug 20, 2020

How AB 5 Will Break Uber’s Business

The difference between a contractor and an employee, what Uber's existing business looks like and how AB5 will impact their financials.

Dec 3, 2020

LinkedIn’s Alternate Universe

How the professional platform makes networking weird

Apr 16, 2020

Bundle Magic

How to make 1 + 1 = 3

Jan 6, 2022

What the hell is going on with Lambda School?

The complicated business of selling social good

Dec 1, 2020

Should you invest in Wish? An S-1 Analysis

A look inside the S-1 of Wish. Included is the background of Wish, a look at their margins, how the universal postal union is changing their cost structure, how their CAC is rising and if they are viable long-term.

May 15, 2020

How Domino’s Stock Returned 4,595%

The original cloud kitchen, ten years before it was cool

Sep 18, 2020

How Chegg Grew Their Share Price 20x In Four Years

Chegg grew their stock price from under $10 to over $85. They did it by changing their business model from the ground up and investing in digital media content.

Jan 13, 2022

3 Thoughts On Justworks

The newest SaaS company to hit the public markets

Jan 31, 2022

Spotify’s Quest to Own Your Ear

A Napkin Math and Trapital Production

Feb 2, 2022

The Psychology of Strategy

How to see what you aren't seeing

Feb 10, 2022

Is YC the Monopoly It Thinks It Is?

The Pricing Power Flex