
Get smarter about business strategy.

Dec 15, 2021

The Athlete as Creator

How new regulations have brought college athletes into the creator economy, big time

May 1, 2020

“Shop” from Shopify: right problem, wrong solution

Opening a marketplace creates complicated new tradeoffs

Aug 23, 2023

Announcing Lex’s $2.75m Seed Round, Led by True Ventures

Today is a big day here at Every! We have a couple of announcements:We’ve spun out Lex (our AI-powered word processor) to become its own com

Apr 1, 2021

Human Speculation

BitClout is a new service that allows anyone to create a publicly-tradable token. Will it work? What effect could it have?

Jun 23, 2020

5 interesting strategy decisions from WWDC

Decoding Apple's intentions

Mar 12, 2020

How to use incentive alignment to unlock faster growth (in the real world)

My recent interview with Jesse Beyroutey solidified a hunch that I’ve been nursing for awhile: Incentive alignment is one of the most import

Dec 19, 2019

Ben Gilbert on how Acquired launched their paid podcast

It’s weird, but in some ways, side projects require better strategy than regular businesses. They’re so easy to quit. Even if you love it, y

Oct 5, 2021

What is “Intrinsic” Value?

And does it matter?

May 20, 2022

How To Time The Market (Or Not)

A Book Review of “Mastering the Market Cycle”

Apr 17, 2020

What can we learn from Facebook Portal?

Three Shorts: Facebook Portal — back from the dead!; an advertising arbitrage opportunity; a funny story about the power of incentives

Jan 28, 2020

Inside Overstock’s strategy shift from horizontal to vertical

Geoff Atkinson, the former SVP Marketing at Overstock, explains how strategy shifts can emerge through experimentation

Jul 23, 2020

Means of Creation #3: Lenny Rachitsky

On newsletters, platforms, marketplaces, and more

Oct 28, 2020

Facebook’s cloud gaming strategy: smarter than it seems

The return of Three Shorts!

Jan 16, 2022

Eric Newcomer on 2022 Startup Trends

Eric Newcomer is one of the smartest and most plugged in newsletter writers in tech. This week he'll be joining Nathan, Dan, and Evan in the

Jan 5, 2021

“Why Content is King” Follow-ups

Your questions and critiques, answered!

May 7, 2021

Fashion’s Digital Future

Why I bought an outfit I’ll never wear IRL

Mar 11, 2022

How To Buy The Dip

Is now a great time to buy? Or a terrible one?

Mar 20, 2020

Does Sonos have a moat?

Sonos filled homes with silky smooth sound, but it’s questionable if their strategic decisions made them anything more than commodity hardware.

Dec 12, 2019

Competitive Strategy, by Michael Porter

The "Divinations" Summary / Review

Dec 12, 2019

The Library

All reviews of books, podcasts, articles, etc

Feb 19, 2020

Great strategies depend on great inputs — here’s how to find them.

Two new things this week for subscribers! I narrated an audio version of this article just for paying subscribers like you. I’m going to do

Jul 8, 2020

Announcing: Means of Creation

A new talk show starring Li Jin and yours truly

Dec 9, 2020

Why AT&T is betting the farm on HBO Max

Also in Three Shorts: Amazon buying Wondery, and Calm's $2b valuation

Apr 29, 2020

Sonos Radio: We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Moat

What the speaker company’s new music play is really all about