Hello again! Yesterday after I published the Sahil Lavingia interview I received a tweet from my friend Alex: https://twitter.com/CantHardyW
Trying something new - what do you think?
Six attributes of high-traction startups
BitClout is a new service that allows anyone to create a publicly-tradable token. Will it work? What effect could it have?
It’s weird, but in some ways, side projects require better strategy than regular businesses. They’re so easy to quit. Even if you love it, y
A post-mortem for a failed prediction, and a failed startup
Opening a marketplace creates complicated new tradeoffs
Decoding Apple's intentions
On the unbundling of Reddit into vertical communities
Geoff Atkinson, the former SVP Marketing at Overstock, explains how strategy shifts can emerge through experimentation
My chapter-by-chapter summary, with notes and reactions
Is now a great time to buy? Or a terrible one?
Three Shorts: Facebook Portal — back from the dead!; an advertising arbitrage opportunity; a funny story about the power of incentives
Your questions and critiques, answered!
Sonos filled homes with silky smooth sound, but it’s questionable if their strategic decisions made them anything more than commodity hardware.
Why I bought an outfit I’ll never wear IRL
The return of Three Shorts!
A Book Review of “Mastering the Market Cycle”
Eric Newcomer is one of the smartest and most plugged in newsletter writers in tech. This week he'll be joining Nathan, Dan, and Evan in the
On newsletters, platforms, marketplaces, and more
The "Divinations" Summary / Review
What the speaker company’s new music play is really all about
All reviews of books, podcasts, articles, etc
A new talk show starring Li Jin and yours truly