The Library

All reviews of books, podcasts, articles, etc


Behold! The collective wisdom of the strategy world.

(Titles link to my summary/review. Items without links haven’t been summarized/reviewed yet. This document serves as a roadmap for “things of the week” to come.)


Strategy Classics

  • Competitive Strategy, by Michael Porter (amazon)
  • Competitive Advantage, by Michael Porter (amazon)
  • The Innovator’s Dilemma, by Clayton Christensen (amazon)
  • The Innovator’s Solution, by Clayton Christensen (amazon)
  • Seeing What’s Next, by Clayton Christensen (amazon)
  • 7 Powers, by Hamilton Helmer (amazon)
  • Good Strategy, Bad Strategy, by Richard Rumelt (amazon)
  • Turning the Flywheel, by Jim Collins (amazon)
  • Good to Great, by Jim Collins (amazon)
  • Great by Choice, by Jim Collins (amazon)
  • Zero to One, by Peter Thiel (amazon)
  • The Practice of Management, Peter Drucker (amazon)

Secondary Literature on Great Strategy Thinkers

  • The Personal MBA, by Josh Kaufman (amazon)
  • The Lords of Strategy, by Walter Kiechel (amazon)
  • Understanding Michael Porter, by Joan Magretta (amazon)


  • Competing Against Luck, by Clayton Christensen (amazon)
  • When Coffee and Kale Compete, by Alan Klement (amazon)
  • Value Proposition Design, by Alexander Osterwalder (amazon)


  • Positioning, by Al Ries and Jack Trout (amazon)
  • The Origin of Brands, by Al Ries and Laura Ries (amazon)
  • Obviously Awesome, by April Dunford (amazon)

Military / Politics

  • Warfighting: MCDP-1, US Marine Corps (pdf)
  • The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli (Mansfield translation) (amazon)
  • The Art of War, by Sun Tzu (Cleary translation) (amazon)
  • On War, by Carl von Clauswitz (Howard & Paret translation) (amazon)

Miscellaneous, but indispensable

  • Inadequate Equilibria, by Eliezer Yudkowsky (free version) (kindle version)
  • Hit Makers, by Derek Thompson (amazon)
  • Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned, by Kenneth O. Stanley (amazon)
  • The Origin of Wealth, by Eric Beinhocker (amazon)
  • Principles, by Ray Dalio (amazon)



  • “What is Strategy?” by Michael Porter in HBS (pdf)
  • “A Taxonomy of Moats” by Jerry Neumann (link)
  • “Four Fits for $100m+ Growth” by Brian Balfour (link)

This is just the beginning! If you have a book, podcast, or article you think I should include, leave a comment below! I’ll put it up, assuming it’s a good fit.

The Library Roadmap:

  • Add individual podcast episodes
  • Add frameworks / ideas / concepts
  • Add more articles
  • Add another view, organized by topic rather than by medium

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