The Sunday Digest


Happy Sunday!

Need to cope with the shrinking amount of daylight? Or the growing amount of time it’s going to take for your PS5 to arrive? Here’s what we have to help: a week’s worth of words, audio, and video packed with new ideas. We’ve got primers on the cash conversion cycle, documentary filmmaking, and personal CRMs; a panel on the beauty of writing as an embodied experience; and much more.

Plus: We’re now sourcing culture recs from bundle writers — read on to find out which TV show Nathan can’t stop watching (assuming you haven’t looked at his Twitter in the past month.)

We’re all over the place, in the best kind of way (we hope). Enjoy!

Everything Index - Week of 11/15

  • Articles we published — 7
  • Podcasts we released — 3
  • Live Conversations we hosted — 2
  • Amazing Average — 53%
    (Average number of readers who thought our articles were “Amazing” this week)

This Week’s Top Posts

Ranked by the % of people who rated the post “amazing” in our feedback forms.

  1. 📐 Cash Conversion Cycle: Bridging the Gap Between Profitability & Cash Flow 🔒 by Adam Keesling in Napkin Math (2,130 words)
  2. ⚡️ Peter Boyce is a People Person 🔒 by Dan Shipper in Superorganizers (3,519 words)
  3. ⚡️ A Sneak Peak At a Next Generation Personal CRM 🔒 by Dan Shipper in Superorganizers (1,035 words)
  4. 🔮 Three Shorts: Fast's 1b valuation, McPlant's power move, and Apple's disruptive M1 chip 🔒 by Nathan Baschez in Divinations (1,115 words)
  5. 🗣 Episode Four: Writing as a Way of Being 🎧 with Rachel Jepsen on The Long Conversation (30 min)
  6. 💝 News Roundup #8: Could the Trump bump turn into a Trump slump? 🔒 in Means of Creation (1,521 words)
  7. 💞 #44 - What Kind of Nerd Are You? 🎧 on Talk Therapy (15 min)
  8. 🕊 Jerry Colonna on Exploring Purpose and Motivation in Ask Jerry (1,252 words)
  9. 🗒 How I Made a Documentary Film with Digital Notes 🔒 by Tiago Forte in Praxis (5,872 words)
  10. 💝 Special Episode: Community Hangout with Li and Nathan 🎥 on Means of Creation (59 mins)
  11. 💞 #43 - The Power of Constraints 🎧 on Talk Therapy (16 min)


This week on The Long Conversation, our live show dedicated to the craft of writing: The panelists are tasked with a writing assignment: What’s a path your life didn’t take? We’ll discuss how writing can lead into an idea, and help us make sense of the possible. Rachel also shares a reading assignment that we’ll have three weeks to complete. 

Missed Friday’s talk with Writing as a Way of Being author Robert Yagelski? Check TLC’s homepage tomorrow for a podcast version!


Audio builds its own paywall

Another week, another high-profile journalist hopping to Substack. But writers aren’t the only creators trying to make bank by going solo. This week, Patreon partnered with Acast to appeal to podcasters. Meanwhile, Spotify appears to be playing with a subscription-only podcast service. How many high-profile creators will take advantage of these new opportunities? In short: many, we think.

Also Happening:



In this new section of the Digest, Bundle members will recommend one (1) thing they’re consuming and loving. This week: Nathan Baschez on Ted Lasso!

Nathan: If you want to be a better collaborator, friend, partner, or leader — or if you just want a good laugh — you should definitely watch Ted Lasso. It’s as good as everyone says!


🔥🔥🔥 of the Week:

We’d like to think we’re in the “Quadrant of Deep Understanding,” too:

Consider our chapeaus doffed:

Anyone want to animate this for our viewing pleasure?

An Invitation to Everything

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How did you feel about this week’s digest?

Amazing • Good • Meh • Bad

This post was written by Babe Howard and edited by Dan Shipper.

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