Creator Economy

Nov 18, 2021

Reddit’s missing business model: Embedding commerce in culture

A deep dive into the monetization challenges of Reddit and the road to profitability it can take by embracing creators.

Nov 30, 2021

Li Jin on the journey behind Variant’s new $110M fund to back the ownership economy

Variant and Atelier Ventures join forces as the passion economy and the ownership economy converge

Dec 18, 2020

Why Content is King

How media creates power

Apr 24, 2020

Inside the Clubhouse

The surprisingly compelling audio app that has consumed my life

Aug 24, 2020

Instagram can’t recreate TikTok’s Magic

The content format is a red herring. What really matters is the structure and purpose of TikTok’s network, which is antithetical to Instagram.

Dec 6, 2021

The Three Systems Beneath Network Effects

An exclusive excerpt from a16z general partner Andrew Chen’s new book, The Cold Start Problem

Dec 7, 2021

Should Creators Own Their Means of Creation?

Erik Forman on how to counteract the precarious realities of today’s platform economy

Sep 26, 2020

Substack Rhymes With Medium

Substack can't decide if it's a CMS or a media brand. Neither could Medium. Their indecision will likely lead to similar outcomes.

Sep 24, 2020

The Double Life of Productivity’s Most Famous Doctor

YouTuber Ali Abdaal shares how he makes the productivity videos that have netted him 1M subscribers

May 24, 2021

Caught in the Study Web

Exploring Gen Z’s Ambitious and Anxiety-Fuelled Pursuit of Straight A’s Across YouTube, TikTok, Discord, and Twitter

Dec 14, 2021

Braintrust’s Founders on How to Run a Decentralised Marketplace

Gabe Luna Ostaseski & Adam Jackson on why the way we work is broken and how to fix it

Dec 15, 2021

The Athlete as Creator

How new regulations have brought college athletes into the creator economy, big time

Dec 20, 2021

The Web3 Renaissance: A Golden Age for Content

Like this essay and want to support us to create more like it? Consider collecting it as an NFT!In January 1996, Bill Gates published what w

Jan 4, 2022

A Look Inside Pinterest’s Creator Strategy

Pinterest’s Global Head of Content & Creators unpacks why they’re doubling down on creators

May 21, 2020

The open podcast ecosystem is dying — here’s how to save it.

It’s time to compete. Not complain.

Jul 10, 2021

The Inner Ring of The Internet

Hi, Nathan here! It’s been too long, I know!! I’ve got a big piece on product wedges coming out next week, but today I am so excited to shar

Oct 14, 2021

Legitimacy Lost

How Creator Platforms Are Eroding Their Most Important Resource

Jan 31, 2022

Spotify’s Quest to Own Your Ear

A Napkin Math and Trapital Production