Talk Therapy

What happens when two friends start a media business?

Feb 17, 2021

#58 - We switched from Slack to Discord, and we’re loving it! Here’s why.

Listen NowNathan and Dan reflect on their first week spent using Discord instead of Slack, and lay out their reasoning for making the jump t

Jul 31, 2020

#16 - Should you follow your heart?

Nathan and Dan discuss his latest Superorganizers essay on the framework he developed to help him follow his heart — and filter for the best

Mar 26, 2021

#65 - Introducing Glassy, with special guest Taylor Majewski

Dan and Nathan welcome Taylor Majewski to the podcast to celebrate the launch of her brand new Every newsletter, Glassy. A weekly study of t

Jun 15, 2020

#4 - Adding Tiago Forte to the Bundle

Dan and Nathan discuss adding Tiago Forte to the Everything bundle, and take bets on how the launch will go. Click here to read the transcri

Aug 21, 2021

#91 - Handling your colleagues’ emotions

In reflecting on a recent gap in their respective enthusiasm towards a new chapter for Every, Dan and Nathan discuss how coworkers and colla

Oct 11, 2021

Ted Lasso Recap: What’s Nate’s Deal?

Eps 10 and 11, untangled.

Jan 29, 2021

#54 - Paradigms ‘R’ Us

What do you do with your revolutionary idea when everyone else has one, too?

Apr 3, 2021

#68 - Going deeper on conflicts—and solutions

Taking stock of the positive feedback they've received on the last few episodes, which have taken raw, unfiltered looks and the bumps and pe

Apr 16, 2021

#71 - Re-introducing Napkin Math, with special guest Evan Armstrong

Dan & Nathan welcome Evan Armstrong, Every's new Napkin Math lead, to the show. Walking through Evan's path to joining the collective, t

May 20, 2021

#78 - We got to record an episode in person. What’s next?

Celebrating their first (!) episode recorded on the same microphone, Dan and Nathan reflect on the birth Talk Therapy—and Every—amidst the p

Sep 23, 2020

#29 - Casey Newton goes independent, what does it mean?

File this one under “the unbundling of media”:  Veteran reporter Casey Newton has left his job at The Verge and is launching his own Substac

Jun 16, 2020

#5 - The Results

Dan and Nathan look back on how the Tiago Forte launch went, and learn an important lesson: before you start troubleshooting, make sure the

Jul 26, 2021

#88 - Why your emotions don’t always mean what you think

Nathan got himself a new fitness tracking device—and promptly found himself using it to track something unexpected: emotions. Returning to a

Mar 19, 2021

#64 - Do you respect me?

Co-founder relationships require respect, but what happens when one co-founder falls down on the job? How do you manage around it without lo

Feb 28, 2021

#60 - Comfort with Chaos

Nathan and Dan discuss their differing approaches to writing, and wonder how they can manage to still be effective sounding boards for each

Aug 22, 2021

#92 - Ted Lasso Recap: S2 Episode 4

Dan, Nathan, and Rachel compare their differing reactions to Ted Lasso's seasonably questionable Christmas episode. Is it a repreive from co

Nov 8, 2020

#42 - Keeping Up…with the News (and Work)

Weary of Election Discourse? Dan and Nathan are, too – but they also think there’s some use in paying attention to the world outside of work

Feb 4, 2021

#55 - Why Raise Venture Capital for a Media Company?

Taking to Clubhouse for their first-ever live episode of Talk Therapy, Dan and Nathan attempt to answer a question they've gotten a lot sinc

Mar 6, 2021

#62 - How to take time off—and actually relax

It's Nathan's turn to take a break. After going over his plans with for a week of relaxing and cooking, he and Dan open up about why it can

Jun 20, 2020

#6 - Art vs. Science

Dan and Nathan discuss the art and science of starting a newsletter business. And how they’re probably more on the art side than you might g

Apr 9, 2021

#69 - Shadow Work

Taking a listener's recommendation to do some "shadow work"—a therapy technique culled from a New Yorker article about an unconventional Hol

Jun 23, 2020

#7 - The Last Chip with Chris Bosh

Dan and Nathan talk about helping Chris Bosh launch a newsletter: The Last Chip.

Apr 1, 2021

#67 - What kind of thinking do we want to cultivate?

Hot off the latest all-hands meeting, (or "Every One," in company parlance), Dan and Nathan reflect on the beauty of having created a space

Mar 4, 2021

#61 - Designing our unsubscribe flow

Using a current work in progress—the exit survey page for departing subscribers—as an example of their differing communication styles, Dan a