Week 25


25 weeks ago, in November 2019, I wrote this in my Notion:

- Write and publish a Superorganizers interview once a week

- Find a partner to work with

I’ll pick my head up after 25 weeks to reevaluate.

At the time Superorganizers was at about 1,000 free subscribers and 0 paying customers. I set a reminder using Notion’s @Remind feature so that I wouldn’t forget about it.

A few weeks later, I reached out to Nathan to start working on newsletters together. A week or two after that Divinations launched.

Almost immediately after that Superorganizers began to grow, and Divinations did too.

This is week 25. I didn’t get 25 interviews done — I only published 15. But it turns out that didn’t matter so much.

We’re now, collectively, at about 12,000 free signups and 1,100 paying customers.

Process goals work.

Thank you to everyone who’s been on this journey with us. I’m so excited for what’s next.

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